

Thanks for visiting my website! I hope you find some useful travel tips, yummy restaurants to check out, or are at least amused and entertained by a few good stories.

Dinner at Le Jammou - Somewhere in Morocco

Dinner at Le Jammou - Somewhere in Morocco

Besides no heat and bad WiFi, this place also was unable to be located on google maps. I had no idea where we were and felt pretty uncomfortable with that. 


Dinner was just the 6 of us, there were seemingly no other people at the hotel. The main guy working didn’t speak any English. As this picture was taken I asked the man “what is that?” And he responded “soup”. Everyone chuckled a bit and I accepted that was the best answer I was going to get. It was actually some sort of vegetable soup, probably squash based but could have used some salt. Not bad at all. The real food of Morocco is actually bread. I think we are eating a loaf of bread each for every single meal. 


Next course—spaghetti? Yes, spaghetti. We were confused as well. The red sauce had some sort of Moroccan flair to it, definitely different spices and herbs then typical spaghetti. I didn’t like that very much as I don’t usually like any pasta. We couldn’t be sure if there was a course after then but suspected there was so I only had very littler.


Next course? The man cave in and revealed the most delicious chicken tajine I have had yet on this trip. I must figure out how to make this when we get home! The vegetables are so soft and flavorful and the chicken falls off the bone. The best part? Taking another loaf of bread and soaking up all the flavorful oil on the bottom of the dish! Maybe I should have a tajine making party in my new kitchen? 

Ah and let me tell you about dessert. It’s not a thing here. I’m very sad about this. For  dessert, they keep bringing our fruit. Literally a plate of bananas, oranges, and apples basically every time. Moroccoans seems to be confused on how great it would be to end their meal with some sugar...

On the road again

On the road again

Where did we end up?

Where did we end up?