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We were swindled!!!

Out of order post tor report that even savvy travelers can be fooled! 

Took a cab (Uber does not work here) and the guy said in advance of us getting in that it would cost about 25-28€. Expensive but fine, we’re tired.  The guy was nice, kept trying to chat but we weren’t very talkative. 

At the end, he says it’s 32.50€. I give him a 20, 10, and 5 as Adam is getting out and the driver is saying, make sure you get out on your right (aka look away while I swindle you). He takes my money and then turns back to me showing me a 10 and two 5s and says I didn’t give him a 20....Adam is already halfway out of the car and I’m like...I thought I gave you a 20...driver says no it was a I’m confused and I give him a 20 and take the 5 back and slowly leave the car BUT I KNOW I GAVE HIM THAT DAMN 20€. 

So now we’ve been swindled and Adam took a pic of his license but idk what we can do about it. SUPER annoyed.  

Dinner at Maison du Grec and By the Glass Wine Bar

Dinner at Maison du Grec and By the Glass Wine Bar

Ancient Agora and Acropolis Museum

Ancient Agora and Acropolis Museum