I'm officially an arcaheologist now.
I think. Well, I survived the first day of physical labor in 80 degree heat. Mostly glorified gardening today. The first layer was topsoil and we shoveled it into buckets. The site is pretty large maybe 15 feet by 30 feet…I will post a before picture…apparently I can’t post pictures and text in the same post from my phone. Boo.
Breakfast is at 8, work starts at 8:30, lunch at 12, done at 4:30. Class is from 5:30-7:30 and dinner at 8. Dinner is a 3 hour affair every night. So basically we are on a tight schedule! But the teachers are nice and very loose about times.
Today my roommate Sarah and I finally got gelato after a hard days work. It was amazing. But nothing was more amazing than the shower. We were absolutely covered in dirt and sweat. I’ve never felt so gross before.