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Itinerary: Peru

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Working on the itinerary for Peru. It’s still more than 7 weeks away but time goes by fast! All the hostels and hotels are booked. I’ve been reading Frommers Guide to Lima, Cusco, and Machu Picchu. I think if I read that before booking, I may have added an extra day since there is a lot of travel involved within the 9 day trip.

Lima used to be a city that people would skip on the way to Machu Picchu but now it is a destination as well. It is known for gastronomy and I have booked us a dinner at the No 1 restaurant in Latin America which is also the No 4 restaurant in the world, Central. Reservations were already taken all the way to March 4th. So lucky to have just gotten in. Some things do have to be planned 8 weeks out!

I hate to countdown, but I’m counting down.

Packing for Peru