

Thanks for visiting my website! I hope you find some useful travel tips, yummy restaurants to check out, or are at least amused and entertained by a few good stories.

ATV Tour (or that time I got covered in mud)

ATV Tour (or that time I got covered in mud)

Took an ATV tour around Cusco area because it was recommended by a co worker as I mentioned in a previous post.

Long story short: about an hour into the 4 hour tour, it started raining and it was quite chilly. The tour was probably enjoyable for another hour or so. The countryside is beautiful and I am endlessly fascinated by the way people live in the mountain towns. We got to see a place where they harvest salt which is the bottom picture. But when we stopped in a little town for snacks and gifts, everyone was soaked. The group was split with most asking to return but the guides kept going.

Last stop was a lake where no one even got off the bikes despite the guide encouraging us to take photos. It was beautiful, but time to end.

Much to our frustration, we were driven there with another couple who took a different route on the atv tour.  We then had to sit wet, in the car for another 40 minutes waiting for the other couple before we even started the 45 minute ride back to Cusco.

Definitely not the beautiful sunny ride I was picturing. And of course, the rain stopped on the afternoon.  Looking back, this was very funny and still got to see beautiful things.  However, I would NOT recommend an ATV tour in the rain.

Dining at Central in Lima, Peru

Dining at Central in Lima, Peru

We've made it to Cusco!

We've made it to Cusco!