Ciao Venezia!
Arrived in Venice last night around 7:30 by train. Took a vaporetto (boat that functions like a bus) to the stop for our hotel. It was misty rainy and about 50 degrees--of course I was happy to use my new raincoat. The directions to the hotel, Allo Squero B&B, were a little confusing, but we made it in about 30 minutes. It is a nice place, and the owener, Andrea, is very nice. He gave us a map of Venice and some suggestions for spots to eat. The best thing he said is that we are not staying in the tourist area, and the places he is suggesting are more for locals. 👍🏻
We chose Osteria Ombra because it was close by and the wine was $7 for a half liter, it was the "vino della casa" and was delish. Adam says it goes down like water.
Typical Venetian cuisine is a lot of fish (...were on islands) and lots of small plates called "ciccheti". So we ordered the "house cichetti" and a plate of meat just in case. :)
We liked the meatballs and salami the best, no surprise. On the bottom of the plate is fried Mozzarella which was yummy as well. I can'e be sure what the shrimp are on but it didnt taste bad. The egg definitely had some sort of fish on top and I regretted eating that. The small fish on the left of the plate on some yellow item was too adventurous for me. Adam tried it and said it wasn't bad, but I had enough after the fishy egg. This meal was of course, accommpanied by a lot of bread and olive oil.
We took a short walk after dinner but we were both exhausted and ready for an early bed time.