

Thanks for visiting my website! I hope you find some useful travel tips, yummy restaurants to check out, or are at least amused and entertained by a few good stories.

Northern Italy Itinerary


Currently: on the bus to NYC, sitting in slow moving traffic, about to have a breakfast meeting. 

Next Tuesday morning: waking up on the plane in Milan, having lunch by the Duomo, then heading to Venice. 

Hopefully next Tuesday I won't be huddled in my sweatshirt with the hood on while air conditioning is blowing from a mysterious location. Oh wait, it's Italy...there won't be air conditioning!  

I am almost done reading Inferno, to help aid in excitement of seeing the places I'm reading about. I have been a bit lax on my Duolingo Italian. I will double up during these last few days. 

Our trip is 8 days long. I've managed to pack nearly 5 cities into 8 days, although 2 of those are just for lunch. The last two days of the trip are dedicated to relaxing since we will be packing the first 6 days with a lot of sights to see. I don't mind being busy on vacation, having a leisurely breakfast is relaxing, sitting around all day is rarely fun. I hope Adam feels the same! (But I think he does, this is a guy who climbs rocks as relaxation.)

Cant wait to share all the good meals with my (very few) readers!  😘

Taking off Tonight!

Taking off Tonight!

Itinerary: Italy in Two Weeks