

Thanks for visiting my website! I hope you find some useful travel tips, yummy restaurants to check out, or are at least amused and entertained by a few good stories.



Well, Squarespace is not letting me add any images so I’ll have to type out my itinerary! (I know it’s on the post but unsure if you can read it or if it’s small…) Currently en route to the airport from work, flight to Dublin takes off in 3.5 hours.

We will spend tomorrow (Thursday) and part of Friday in Dublin staying at the Aloft hotel in Dublin. Friday evening we check in at The K Club where Julie is getting married. Saturday I have hair and makeup starting at 8am! The ceremony is at 1 and the reception is from 2pm to 2am? Sounds like quite a party. I hope I can hang.

Sunday we have a slow morning at The K Club and then off we fly from Dublin to Faro. We land in Faro at 7:30pm on Sunday, pick up a rental car, and drive to Casa Margo in Lagos. We stay in my favorite beach town in the world for five nights. We have a few dinner reservations made already :)

Then at the end of the week, we will drive up the coast to Lisbon and stay in Sintra for our final two nights. We’re driving to Lisbon first with the plan of getting the same delicious bifana (pork sandwich) that we enjoyed 1.5 years ago and have been thinking about it ever since. I hope it lives up to the hype.

Finally on Sunday June 9th, we fly back to the USofA and I actually took a day off before going back to work. It’s wild. Unsure what to do with all of that time. Maybe I should change my flight and stay an extra day? Kidding. (Sortof)

looking forward to another adventure and actually going to try to relax on the beach

Newark to Dublin

Newark to Dublin