

Thanks for visiting my website! I hope you find some useful travel tips, yummy restaurants to check out, or are at least amused and entertained by a few good stories.

Greece Itinerary

(Mom-you’ll have to google the numbers if you need them! 😂) 


Everything has been hectic. I feel like this trip has been on the books forever, yet someone snuck up on us at a bad time. But here we sit at the airport, drinking wine and getting ready to fly.

I’m anxious, can’t wait to take a flying pill. I haven’t yet hit “vacation mode”.  To help calm my nerves, I booked my next trip to Morocco in February with Nicole. Hah. I know I’m crazy. Slowly going broke through travel addiction. 

Emirates is supposed to be the best, I hope it lives up to its expectations. I hope I fall asleep quickly and wake up to breakfast in Greece!  Extra nervous this time around. Or maybe the same and I just forget how nervous I get. 

Love to everyone. Hope you enjoy this adventure with me :)  

Flying on Emirates

Flying on Emirates

Countdown to Greece