

Thanks for visiting my website! I hope you find some useful travel tips, yummy restaurants to check out, or are at least amused and entertained by a few good stories.

Day Three: Sail Croatia begins!

Day Three: Sail Croatia begins!

Well, as I mentioned, I woke up absolutely dead from all of the wine and port. I was seriously on the struggle bus. I put on my anti-nausea bands which barely helped, took some Tylenol (because I forgot my Aleve which is my drug of choice), and went back to sleep until 10. Dragged myself out of bed and packed as much as I could without moving and left the hostel by 11.

I originally had considered walked the mile and a half to Port Gruz butttt I was not in the state to do that. So grabbed an Uber over (about $10) and then stopped in a pharmacy to see if they had any aleve for me. I ended up having to ask, thank goodness for technology, and got me some ibuprofen. Then I headed for the boat.

I found a Sail Croatia rep quickly but they said that my boat was at the Port Gruz extension, about a 15 minute walk further or another $10 taxi. Annoyed that it would cost $10 for a 15 min walk, I decided to walk and sweat out that alcohol. I mostly thought I was lost the entire time, my phone map was not helpful, I walked through a bus station and a construction site, but I made it!

The boat was bustling with most people having arrived already and gosh I was not in my most social and ready state for all of this noise but I pushed through and made some friends. There are at least 8 other solo travelers that I know about, 5 women and 3 men. My roomie is from Australia, as half of the people on the boat are.

First had some yummy lunch on the boat! They feed us a three course lunch every day here.

We set sail, stopped to swim, and then docked at a little island called Mljet. Had dinner at a seafood place called Konoba Ana.

I had my dream of seafood by the sea, which was a whole grilled fish. I had to take the bones out myself! A girl who is from here said it’s common to eat the fish with your hands since there may be bones. So I covered my fish with lemon and ate the yummy dinner with my hands.

The best part of dinner was a beautiful view and everyone sort of relaxing and becoming friends!

Day Four: Morning in Mljet

Day Four: Morning in Mljet

Day Two: Part Two