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Day One in Dubrovnik: lunch at Taj Mahal and walking the city walls

Day One in Dubrovnik: lunch at Taj Mahal and walking the city walls

My new friend Becky from the plane asked me if I wanted to join her for lunch at a place called Taj Mahal nearby. I almost said no. I was so tired and it sounded like Indian food. However, I looked up the menu, it’s Bosnian cuisine and I knew I needed to rally. So I ventured out to find an iced coffee and meet Becky.

Iced coffee was surprisingly easy to find as I wondered the pretty streets. I had my data on yesterday so I was following my gps to Taj Mahal when it took me up a gigantic staircase (pictured below) only to find out the gps was confused and that was the wrong direction. 😩

Made it to Taj Mahal and ate some delicious food! First, beef carpaccio supposedly cut by their in house butcher and some homemade amazing bread. Then veal skewers and cevapi—some sort of sausage with cicvara-which was polenta and butter and cheese. Wowowow was it yummy! Turns out this place actually has a Michelin sign next to its door for 2022!

Becky also tried the Bosnian coffee which is similar to Turkish coffee in that it is very thick. There is a pastry to eat first, then the coffee, then have water to clear your palette.

After lunch, I decided to walk the city walls. I knew it would be hot but it was already 4:30 and I definitely wanted to see the city from up top. So I sweat it out for 4 miles or whatever nonsense it was that was not 10,000 steps. Lol. So many beautiful views though!

Dubrovnik sustained damage from the war in 1991-1992 where they gained independence from being the big country of Yugoslavia, but also had older earthquake damage, some of which was never fixed.

Post city wall walk I stopped for tiramisu gelato and then made it back to my hot AF hostel. Embarrassed to admit that I didn’t notice they don’t have AC. Almost had a meltdown and thought about trying to find somewhere else to stay at 9pm last night. But I survived. Took a cold shower, went to a nearby wine bar, drank two glasses and chatted with some people at the bar. Came back and fell asleep with the fan blowing on my miserably hot body but ended up getting a decent nights sleep! Next up: heading for a half day wine and oyster tour for day 2!

Day Two: Wine Tour Dubrovnik (and oysters)

Day Two: Wine Tour Dubrovnik (and oysters)

Newark to Dubrovnik

Newark to Dubrovnik