Well, here we are just 4 work days (3 and a half really) away from taking off for this highly anticipated trip to Switzerland. Rebecca and I have been talking about Switzerland for quite some time. It was a top contender last year, but ultimately, Paris was so much less expensive (you read that right, Paris looks cheap in comparison!) that it was hard to justify the Swiss trip. But this year, we have more of a YOLO mindset and we’re just fucking doing it. (Not sure if I’ve cursed in my blog before, but it really sets the tone I’m looking for here.)
So off we fly to the most expensive country in the world during an economic downturn and election season and a few wars around the world but Switzerland seems like the right place to be during all of this. If we don’t come back, I would imagine that’s not much of a mystery why.
Our bags are packed already. We have a good amount of hopping around on this itinerary, 5 cities in 8 days, but have kept a good mindset on not doing too much. We will enjoy the train rides, the walking tours, the food, and hopefully the Swiss cows. We have a shared dream of eating fondue with a beautiful mountain view as our backdrop, preferably while wearing flannel.
This itinerary is nine nights of sleepovers with my bestie in all sorts of accommodations—the plane, bunk beds, a jail cell, an attic. And if you know Europe, you can never quite be sure that there will actually be two beds…fingers crossed for some cuddles!
Follow along, leave me comments, and thank you Mom, Bella, and Julie for being my top (only) fans of this little passion project blog.