

Thanks for visiting my website! I hope you find some useful travel tips, yummy restaurants to check out, or are at least amused and entertained by a few good stories.

Winery Visit: Muga

Winery Visit: Muga

Friday morning 10am appointment at Muga. Our host Carmen was absolutely lovely and knowledgeable and engaging and awesome. I didn’t know much about Muga wines but their winery was huge and impressive. They care about quality so much that they make their own barrels rather than buying them which was the first time I had ever seen something like that.

She showed us every bit of the winery from barrel making to age of barrels to what was in each one and what they were being used for.

We were there from 10-12:30 and it was super educational and enjoyable. We tasted five wines at the end and I must say I am a Muga fan now! It’s amazing how an experience like that can build loyalty to a brand. Also during the wine tasting she brought out a plate of meats: chorizo, jamòn, etc, which enhanced the experience :)

Carmen recommended a restaurant in San Sebastián called Rekondo where we could get old wines for very reasonable prices. They were booked online but we drove by and walked in and managed to get a res for later at 9pm, which I guess was early to them since they only open at 8:30 for dinner?

The 2 hour drive to San Sebastián from Rioja was beautiful with lots of tunnels through mountains. We were eager to get there and start eating!

San Sebastián bars and a mushroom allergy

San Sebastián bars and a mushroom allergy

Calle La Laurel Round 2

Calle La Laurel Round 2