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Winery Visit: Sierra Cantabria

Winery Visit: Sierra Cantabria

Dragged myself out of bed after being way too hungover from not that many drinks. We had a 10:30 winery appointment but were up and getting ready at 8. Too early in Spain time.

Walked to the closest “panderia” grabbed a croissant with cream inside and two little twistie pastries that were covered with powdered sugar and eaten within ten seconds of walking out of the store. Ventured to find coffee and found a nearby bar selling Spanish egg tortillas and coffee. The chemical smell of cleaner in there was horrifying so we took the food outside. The weather is not warm but not cold. Low 50s and super super foggy today.

The egg thing had a little red sauce next to it that I thought was a tomato paste type of deal, we covered the egg thing with it. I took one bite and my eyes got super wide. It was not tomato based sauce but rather VERY hot red pepper based and it was the type of hot that continued in the mouth for minutes after. The first bit was actually the mildest as it continued to burn. Needless to say, I let Phil enjoy that and I had the croissant. No picture of this part since I was hungry and hungover.

We arrived to the first spot early so spent some time wandering the streets before our host arrived. She took us to three different winery locations owned by the same wine family. Unfortunately, the views of the mountains and vineyards were hindered by a very heavy fog today. The wines we tasted were great but I was most fascinated by the architecture of the buildings and the mold on the wines in the cellar which is completely normal and fine but also bizarre. The first picture is of the family’s meeting room which looked like it belonged in a palace.

Our last stop was the fancy winery for visitors where we tasted five wines and ate cheese and jamon all before 1pm. Our host sort of left us in the room so we basically laughed and drank and then just left, there was oddly no conclusion. The fancy bathrooms at this winery had those little travel toothbrush kits of which I used one and took two 🤫 free = me

Onward to fancy lunch next!

Lunch at Ikaro

Calle La Laurel

Calle La Laurel