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We're going to Morocco!

Myths and Rumors about Morocco (and this trip) Debunked!

  1. Morocco is located in Northern Africa, very close to southern Spain—not—the middle east.

  2. Adam won’t be on this trip, this is a girls trip! I will be traveling with my friend Nicole. :)

  3. The flight from NYC to Casablanca is 6 hours and 45 minutes. Yes, that’s it!

  4. We will be spending 3 days in Marrakech and 3 days in the Sahara riding camels. (itinerary to be posted next)

  5. Morocco is a safe country and Marrakech is full of tourists. This is a super popular travel destination!

  6. I have wanted to go to Morocco ever since reading the book “Dreams of Trespass: Tales of a Harem Girlhood” by Fatimaa Mernissi. I highly recommend this book!

Morocco Itinerary

Morocco Itinerary