Final Meal at Jino in Krakow
We couldn’t leave without eating again! But even I had to say I was a little exhausted of Pierogi and kielbasa even if they were the most delicious ever.
Jino was nearby, had great reviews, and was an Italian and Polish restaurant! We marched through the snow to a cute little spot and ordered a feast as always.
Cream of Mushroom Soup, Sweet Potato Soup to start.
Then Alyssa had a Gorgonzola pasta, Chris had Pumpkin Arancini, Aunt Mare had a plain pizza, Johnny has mushroom ravioli, and I had a Picante pizza with spicy salami and pumpkin and onions.
There food in Europe is simply better. Fresher ingredients and better prices in Poland.
I was stuffed to the brim after eating so much. My pants were about to burst, I could barely sit up straight.
Had some good last fun in our apartment which had a cute little play area with this netting and a little tree house.
And then off to sleep for a 3am wake up before a 6am flight to Frankfurt. A long travel day for me and Johnny and even longer for everyone else who had a third flight after Newark. But smooth, exhausted, and fat, we made it home and survived the family adventure in the homeland.